Festival Reviews

Looking for a recap on your favourite music festivals this year, then check out our variety of reviews from festivals all over the world.  Our team of journalists and photographers bring to life memorable moments from the likes of Bestival, Isle of Wight, Creamfields to Glastonbury, Wireless and more!

You can also check out our full range of photo albums from festivals in our flickr account here

DOWNLOAD 2018: The Big Review!

Would it even be a Download weekend if there wasn’t at least the threat of rain? It’s grey but holding off as we head into the arena for a day of pure rock and metal shenanigans. The first notable difference is the somewhat extreme, and numerous bag checks. We’d been warned via the site and social media that only A4 sized backpacks and smaller would be allowed into the arena, but didn’t realise that there would also be multiple check-points between the car-park and actually getting in to see the

Guns’N’Roses at DOWNLOAD 2018: Reviewed!

Day two of Download and arguably the most anticipated revival in rock history topping the bill tonight. Yes yes, we’ve all seen some other iteration of Guns’N’Roses… the one where Axl turned up an hour late, got bottled and slipped over… the one where everyone hated Chinese Democracy… the one where Slash just came and did his own thing and everyone completely loved it and uh, Velvet Revolver. But this is it. As close as we’re ever gonna get to a feud-less, most-members, sort-of-real G’n’f’n’R. F